Αρχή / Legal / Terms & Conditions
The Greek version of legal agreements and policies is considered as the only current and valid version of this document. Any translated version is provided for your convenience only, to facilitate reading and understanding of the Greek version. Any translated versions are not legally binding and cannot replace the Greek versions. In the event of disagreement or conflict, the Greek language legal agreements and policies shall prevail.
Last Revised: 22-01-2024 09:37:59

Terms & Conditions



1.1 The following Terms and Conditions apply to all business relationships between the Customer and Prootzos Online, also hereinafter referred to as “us / we”. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of all contracts with the Customer. These Terms and Conditions also apply to future services and offers, even if the Customer does not separately agree upon them again.

1.2 The terms and conditions of our customers or third parties are not applicable and are not part of the contract, even if we do not separately object to their application in individual cases.

1.3 We expressly reserve the right to make changes to our Terms and Conditions, System Policies and prices by giving the Customer prior notification via their customer account or using the email address the Customer enters in their contact information.

1.4. The conditions and policies listed in the preamble apply in the order of precedence listed above.

1.5. Our employees and third parties commissioned by them are not authorized to make verbal agreements or to provide any verbal guarantees or commitments to the Customer.

1.6. If domains are the subject of this contract, the corresponding terms and conditions also apply, which are available at https://prootzos.com/legal/domain-terms/.


2.1. The contract is concluded when the Customer submits their order and we accept their order in accordance to the provisions of point 2.4 of these Terms and Conditions.

2.2. Our offers are subject to change and are non-binding. We reserve the right to make technical and other changes within the scope of what is reasonable.

2.3. The Customer declares that the data they provided on their customer account are correct and complete and shall notify us of any changes in this regard in writing within no more than 14 days. The Customer is required to provide evidence of the correctness of the data upon request.

2.4. The Customer enters into a binding contract by placing the order and by accepting these Terms and Conditions. We are entitled to accept or reject the contract in the Customer’s order within a period of 5 work days after we receive the order. By merely confirming that we have received the Customer’s order, we are not bound to accept their order and the contract it contains.

2.5. Contracts are concluded for an unlimited time period unless otherwise agreed.

2.6. The contract may be terminated by either party with 30 days’ notice to the end of the month, without specifying any reasons. Differing periods of notice may apply to the Customers depending on the description of relevant services. Notice of termination may be given in text form by letter, fax, email or via the Customer’s account on our secure customer interface.

2.7. Furthermore, we reserve the right to terminate the contractual relationship without notice for good cause. Such good cause is deemed to exist, among other reasons, if the Customer fails to meet its payment obligations or violates other important customer obligations. A further important reason which may result in us locking or terminating the Customer’s services or account without notice is if the Customer uses content that impairs the regular operating behavior or the security of our infrastructure or our product, or violates paragraphs 8.1 – 8.3 of these Terms and Conditions.

2.8. If the Customer intends to transfer their contractual rights and obligations to a third party, then our consent is required for this purpose. The Customer must make their transfer request in writing. We are obligated to verify the legitimacy of the transferor and the identity of the third party.


3.1. The scope of the contractual service is based on the product description that is valid at the time of the Customer’s order and the written agreements resulting from it. We reserve the right, after prior notice, to discontinue services we offer free of charge or to introduce fees for these services.

3.2. If the subject of the contractual relationship is the registration of domain names, we only are obligated to arrange the desired domain registration. We do not accept liability for or provide any warranty that the domain registration authorities will actually allocate the domain name that the Customer requests in their order. The Customer is only entitled to assume they will actually be allocated the domain name once we have confirmed the allocation. We have no influence on the domain allocation.

3.3. We undertake to make economically reasonable efforts to achieve an annual average network availability of 99.9% at our data centers.

3.4. Restrictions apply as described here

3.5. If the service includes the allocation of an IP address, we do not perform a blacklist check of this IP address and the Customer has no claim to a specific IP address. We reserve the right to change the Customer’s allocated IP address when necessary with prior written notice.

3.6. If we offer technical support services that go beyond the service description, then we invoice these separately.


4.1. We will invoice the Customer for any contractually binding services using the updated prices visible on www.prootzos.com, plus the statutory value added tax. If the service is for shipped goods, the price includes postage and packaging from the specified storage location.

4.2. Depending on the contractual agreement, we process monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual, biennial or triennial invoices using the agreed means of payment. The Customer is obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of the payment service they use to pay their invoice.

4.3. If we permit the Customer to make a late payment, we maintain the right, even without a reminder, to charge interest for the late payment beginning on the due date.

4.4. The Customer is obligated to pay all fees and taxes incurred by using the service or by the third parties designated by the Customer. Billing is free of charge exclusively in electronic form. There are corresponding fees for postal delivery.

4.5. The Customer is obligated to comply with any applicable export and import control regulation, in particular the US regulations as well as all other relevant regulations.


5.1. The Customer has full and sole administrator rights for all root and cloud server service products. The Customer is responsible for managing and securing these products at their own expense and risk.

5.2. The Customer, by using our services, is obligated to set up and manage their servers in such a way that does not compromise the integrity and availability of the networks, servers and data of third parties. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use the servers for (d)DOS attacks or to run open mail relays or other systems that are capable of performing these actions. If the Customer violates this agreement, we reserve the right – without prior notice – to lock the server and terminate the contract without notice.

5.3. For the managed server products and services, we grant the Customer only basic usage rights. We monitor these servers 24 hours a day for service disruptions and provide customer support free of charge for simple services. For more extensive services lasting 15 minutes or more, we charge a flat service fee that is subject to prior agreement with the Customer.

5.4. The Customer is obligated to use the services provided appropriately and to refrain from abusive and illegal actions.

5.5. The Customer is responsible for making regular backups (backup copies) of their data; the backups should be stored outside the server provided by us. If data is transmitted to us on the Customer’s servers, the Customer is obligated to make regular backup copies of the data. The customer is obligated to perform a complete data backup prior to any change they make on their own behalf or on the behalf of a third party. If there is nonetheless a loss of data, the Customer is obligated to transfer the relevant data files to us again free of charge or to restore the data themselves.


6.1. Data processing is performed in accordance with GDPR. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information, which is available under https://prootzos.com/legal/privacy-policy

6.2. If the Customer also wishes to process personal data of third parties with our services, the Customer alone remains the responsible party in the sense of data protection law. We only process personal data as a processor of orders pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR if the Customer concludes a contract for processing orders with us. This contract for processing orders is not concluded automatically. We can offer the Customer the opportunity to conclude a contract for processing orders via the Customer’s account, if necessary, which is supplemented by EU standard contractual clauses, if the Customer orders products that are located in a third country.

6.3. We hereby warn the Customer that we are generally unable to determine whether the Customer is processing personal data. The Customer is therefore obligated to provide us with the necessary information, in particular whether personal data of third parties are processed, for what purpose these data are processed and which categories the personal data and the data subjects are to be assigned. In the absence of a contract for order processing with the necessary information from the Customer, we assume that the Customer is not processing third party personal data using our services, so we will not take any measures in accordance with data protection law.

6.4. We hereby warn the Customer that, given the current state of technology, there is still no all-embracing form of protection for data transmission on the internet. The Customer is responsible for the safety and security of all data they store on any of their products.


7.1. The Customer is entitled to grant third parties a contractual term of use to any services the Customer orders from Prootzos. In this case, the Customer nevertheless remains the sole contractual partner. The Customer continues to be solely and fully liable for compliance with the contractual agreements between us and the Customer.

7.2. If the Customer transfers user rights to their Prootzos services to a third party, the Customer is obligated at the time of transfer to ensure that all legal and contractual provisions are followed. This is true for any changes that require the cooperation of the third party.

7.3. If the third party violates the contractual obligations or does not comply with the obligation to cooperate, if the data provided by the third party is incorrect or incomplete, or if other problems arise with the granting of user rights to third parties, the Customer assumes full liability for all resulting damages and, in addition, indemnifies us from all claims made against us by the third party or others.


8.1. The Customer is obligated to check and comply with the legal provisions arising from the use of the contractually agreed services, in particular the Telecommunications Act, the Telemedia Act, as well as national and international industrial and intellectual property rights, personal rights, and the requirements of competition and data protection laws on their own. The Customer indemnifies us against all claims of third parties arising from infringements of these obligations.

8.2. The Customer is obligated not to publish any content that infringes on the rights of third parties or otherwise violates applicable law. This includes in particular, but is not limited to, pornographic or obscene material, extremist content or content that offends common decency, gambling, material that could seriously endanger the morals of children or young people or violate the rights of third parties (copyrights, name rights, trademark rights and data protection rights). This also includes the publication of defamatory content, insults or disparagement of persons or groups of persons.

8.3. The transmission of spam mail is prohibited. This includes in particular the sending of unauthorized, unsolicited advertising to third parties. When sending emails, it is also prohibited to provide false sender data or to disguise the identity of the sender in any other way. The operation of applications for mining cryptocurrencies remains prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, mining, farming and plotting of cryptocurrencies. We are entitled to lock the Customer’s access to their Prootzos services or account in the event of non-compliance.

8.4. If we become aware of illegal activities, we are required by law to require the Customer to immediately remove the infringing content and we have the right to block the Customer’s access to the services or the Customer’s account on Prootzos.


9.1. The Customer uses Prootzos services at their own risk. We are liable for indirect damages in the case of intent or gross negligence, but not for loss of profit. We are liable for culpable infringements that are not due to gross negligence or intent for the foreseeable damage typical for this type of contract, up to a maximum of 100 % of the price for the Customer’s monthly product rental.

9.2. If the Customer violates the content obligations mentioned in Section 8 of these Terms and Conditions, in particular regarding legal prohibitions and decency violations, the Customer is liable to us for compensation for all direct or indirect damages arising from this, including financial losses. Furthermore, the Customer is obligated to indemnify us against claims by third parties – irrespective of the legal basis – resulting from the Customer or their designated third parties. The indemnification obligation also includes all incurred legal defense costs.


If the service consists of goods delivered via post, a limitation period of 12 months after delivery applies to claims for defects. If the service consists of the delivery of used goods, we are not liable for any defects. The statutory limitation period also applies to claims for damages in the event of willful and gross negligence as well as in the event of injury to life, limb and health that are the result of an intentional or negligent breach of obligation by the user.


The Customer grants us a lien on equipment installed by the Customer or by third parties in the data center to protect any outstanding debts arising from the contractual relationship. We are entitled to enforce the lien after informing the customer of their outstanding debts if the Customer does not settle all outstanding debts within 10 work days after receiving the notification of sale. Any surpluses generated by the sale are paid out to the Customer.


12.1. This service agreement may be terminated by either party without cause. Prootzos Online shall not be obliged to refund the agreed amount for the period of time remaining from the day of termination to the normal expiry of the contract in the event that the termination is requested by the Customer or the agreement is terminated by Prootzos Online in the event of a breach of its terms by the Customer.

12.2. If the Customer declares that he does not wish to continue the services, then Prootzos Online discontinues the services provided by the Customer and deletes from its servers the respective records and files of the Customer without further notice.

12.3. Prootzos Online reserves the right to refuse, terminate or suspend the services it provides to the Customer at will, with or without notice, and will not be responsible for any consequences, positive or negative, resulting from the termination of a website from one of its servers or the termination of any other service. Restoring service or files to a web hosting account will not be charged unless the actions are repeated frequently and due to volume, administrative costs are incurred by Prootzos Online.

12.4. In the event that the Customer maintains outstanding one or more services in his account, then Prootzos Online has the right to suspend, stop or delete the service, the domain name or hosting accounts, without the obligation to provide backup to the Customer.

12.5. Prootzos Online reserves the right to cancel an account, including files and content, for any reason at any time. The Customer agrees to maintain backups of all files and databases hosted on Prootzos Online and agrees that Prootzos Online will have no liability for loss of data. The Customer is responsible for backing up its data.

12.6. The Customer, if he/she does not wish to continue using the services of Prootzos Online, should declare this through the cancellation form found here. Upon sending the form, an email confirming receipt of the request is automatically sent to the Customer. In case the Customer does not receive the confirmation email, he/she should contact Prootzos Online by telephone.

12.7. In case of late payment or in case it is impossible to charge the Customer’s credit card due to unavailable balance or due to the expiration of the credit card, the services provided by Prootzos Online are scheduled to be automatically terminated after the expiration of the subscription.


13.1 In Prootzos Online’s shared hosting hosting packages that come with a money back guarantee, it can be done within 30 days from the date the hosting account is started. If the Customer is not satisfied with the level of hosting services of Prootzos Online, may within 30 days from the start of his account to request the cancellation of this agreement, otherwise he implicitly agrees with the continuation of the service and waives his right to a refund of the money paid.

In case of cancellation within 30 days, the amount of the subscription is refunded to the Customer. In case the amount of the subscription included additional expenses (purchase of domain name, purchase of SSL, purchase of static IP, third party commissions or bank or credit card commissions, installation costs, additional services) the amount of the subscription is refunded to the Customer after the above expenses have been deducted. Prootzos Online may refuse a refund after the 30th day of the subscription.

13.2 The above guarantee concerns exclusively and only a part of the services of Prootzos Online and not the whole of the services provided.

Shared Hoting
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)

Domain Names (Renewals and Transfers – if the transfer is successful)
Website Builder
Dedicated Server
Dedicated Server Addons
SSL Certificates

13.3 Only new accounts are eligible for compensation. For example, if the Customer had an account with Prootzos Online, canceled it and created a new one, he is not entitled to compensation for the last account.

13.4 For the account cancellation request to be considered valid, the request must be sent via the form located at the address here.

13.5 Any products or services that were suspended, canceled, or terminated due to the abusive usage of the products, services, or any other violation of the Terms and Conditions are not eligible for a refund.


The EU Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which is available at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.


14.1. These Terms and Conditions and the contractual relationship between us and the Customer are governed by the laws of the Greece, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and international private law.

14.2. The international and exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contractual relationship is our registered office in Pirgos. We are, however, entitled in all cases to initiate legal proceedings at the Customer’s place of business. Superordinate statutory provisions, in particular, on exclusive jurisdiction, remain unaffected.

14.3. If any provision is or becomes invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, this has no effect on the validity of the remaining provisions. The same applies if and to the extent that an omission be revealed in this contract. In place of the invalid or unenforceable provision, an appropriate provision will apply which, as far as legally possible, corresponds to the sense and purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision or to the presumed intention of the parties, just as if they had considered this point.

14.4 The present terms of use of the Prootzos Online services are composed according to greek applicable laws, are governed by greek law, the applicable law of the European Union and the International Agreements and interpreted according to good faith, trading practices and the social and economic purpose of the right.
Should any term or provision of the above terms of use is considered null or void, this would not influence the validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms. The contractors will, according to the above-mentioned principles, undertake every possible attempt so as to replace null or void provisions or terms with others suitable which approach the content of null or void terms or provisions as much as possible.

14.5 The subscribers of the Prootzos Online services must be above 18 years old.

14.6 The Customer agrees that all data submitted in the forms sent to the Prootzos Online are truthful and accurate. The Customer also does not knowingly violate the rights of third parties. In case of legal entities, the Customer binds the particular legal entity.

14.7 From the use of websites of the Prootzos Online, it is presumed that the Customer agrees to all terms written in the present page and the reading of the present text is required before the use of services from the Prootzos Online and the submission of any order of products or services. Additionally their consent and the unreserved acceptance of the written terms, is expressed, confirmed and declared responsible by clicking the link “I have read and agreed to the Terms of Use” or any other way which can lead to use or service order or use of Prootzos Online websites and considered their signature on the present text.

14.8 The Prootzos Online provides the Customer with third party software depending on the ordered service. The terms of use of such can be different from the Prootzos Online terms of use. The Prootzos Online Customers are bound by all terms of licenses relating to third party software and must accept them. The provision and offer of third party software is not part of Prootzos Online software. The Prootzos Online cannot provide support or guarantees in regards to its use and function.

14.9 Every electronic service order is sent to the Prootzos Online through the internet, if, and only if, the Customer has previously unreservedly accepted the previously noted terms of agreement, as further proof that the Customer received full knowledge of the terms and unreservedly agreed with such.

14.10 The Customer agrees that for any dispute arising between the Customer and the Prootzos Online, greek law shall be the applicable law and the pertinent courts for resolving such dispute will be the Courts of Pirgos, Ilia. The Prootzos Online has the right to change without warning but with later notification of Customers, the Terms of Use of the present Service Provider Agreement.

14.11 The terms included in the present, replace any other agreement or arrangement between the Customer and the Prootzos Online, verbal, written, or of other way, including potential declaration from some Prootzos Online spokesperson. The Customer accepts that there can be further terms for use of certain services.

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