Αρχή / Legal / Managed Server
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Last Revised: 12-08-2024 09:26:30

Managed Server



All managed servers include free written and telephone support during the specified support periods. Written customer support requests are submitted via the Prootzos management interface. For this purpose, customers must use customer access, where they can log in with the email and customer password they selected during the ordering process.

In general, customer support is included in the all-inclusive price of the product. Special support requests, which are not included in the Prootzos Online services, are handled only in exceptional cases. If the resolution of such issues requires more than 15 minutes of working time, Prootzos Online, upon agreement with the customer, charges a fee for each 15 minutes, which is set at 19.35€ (excluding VAT). The charge is made for every quarter of an hour that begins.


  • Web Server (HTTP)
  • Mail System (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Spam filter, Virus scanner, Mail dispatch quantity)
  • Server Services (FTP, SSH, NTP)
  • Databases (MySQL)
  • Server Load
  • Hard Drives (S.M.A.R.T., Disk Space Usage)


The servers are monitored 24 hours a day for faults. Depending on the type of server managed, the following applies:

No predefined protection package: System failure is dealt with during business hours. Outside of support hours, you can contact support via the management interface at https://prootzos.com/members/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2 and submit an emergency support request for a fee. These requests are charged at €19.35 (excluding VAT) for every quarter of an hour that they start.

Alternatively, the Customer can order full server management which includes 3 hours/month technical support with an additional charge of 137.35 €/month (excluding VAT).

With the full management package: The system failure is always treated free of charge for failures lasting a total of 3 hours per month. It is also possible to contact the support service via the management interface with an emergency support request at https://prootzos.com/members/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=2. When the 3hours/month technical support limit is exceeded, each new request is charged with 19.35 € (excluding VAT) for every quarter of an hour it starts.

Prootzos reserves the right to process non-urgent requests only during normal business hours. Urgent is defined as server failure or failure of a server service.


In general, except as noted below, individual customization of configuration files is not possible on managed servers. This applies to system settings and services provided. The following settings can be modified:

  • PHP – PHP settings can be configured through the Conrtoller server management environment. Many further settings can be changed directly from the .htaccess file. Settings that exceed the available values and server-defined limits can be modified after prior review by system administration. Additional PHP modules other than those offered are not installed. Individual PHP solutions, e.g. PHP binaries, are not supported. For an overview of the PHP configuration, see https://tester.prootzos.com.
  • IMAP – The number of parallel IMAP connections per IP address is limited for server stability reasons. This number may be increased upon request and at our discretion.
  • SMTP – The settings offered, such as “Forwards”, “Autoresponder”, “Spam filter”, “Black and Whitelist” etc. can be changed by the customer. Other individual settings and configuration of the mail system cannot be performed. SPF records can be set by the customer via DNS management in the Conrtoller management environment.
  • MySQL – The MySQL server configuration can be modified upon client request. If values are requested that could affect the stability of the server, the client must submit a form to confirm this. The client is not automatically entitled to such modifications.
  • DNS – Each account and domain name is assigned a DNS zone, which can be managed through the Conrtoller management interface. The use of DNS servers is optional.


The installation of additional software or libraries is part of the support services that are carried out with a charge of 19.35 € (excluding VAT) for every quarter of the hour that begins. Alternatively, the Customer can order full management of his server that includes technical support and work lasting 3 hours / month with an additional charge of 137.35 € / month.


Root access is not possible on managed servers. SSH access is granted with the usual user authorization rights. Enabling (disabling) SSH access for the respective account is possible via the controller management interface.


Each type of managed server allows you to create a predefined number of accounts for users. The number is based on the server model and can be increased, for an additional fee, upon request in the Prootzos Online client management interface.


All managed servers are subject to a local backup that backs up only the server configuration files. In addition, web folders & files as well as databases kept on the server are backed up daily for a maximum of 14 days. Backup recovery (Restore) is possible via the controller management interface. The space occupied by these backups are charged against the total available disk space available on the respective managed server.


Changes made by the support team, such as deleting, moving and replacing content and sensitive information developed and/or received by the customer, can only be made if the requests are verified by the management environment or in writing as a fax with the company’s stamp and handwritten signature. The support team is not obliged to undertake tasks that can be performed by customers and that customers can perform themselves.


To ensure the security and stability of the managed server, there is a process monitoring system that stops processes with excessive runtimes and/or RAM usage. Exceptions can be made by system management. If the customer requests exceptions that could affect system stability, these must be confirmed in writing by the customer. The customer is not automatically entitled to such exceptions. If server or network stability is affected, Prootzos Online reserves the right to correct and/or cancel such exceptions.


Each email account has a server-side spam filter to presort suspicious emails into a designated folder. This folder is accessible via IMAP and Webmail. Emails identified as spam are automatically deleted after a predefined period of time. The strength of the filter can be configured by the client. In addition, Prootzos Online uses a virus filter for emails. Incoming emails containing viruses are not accepted for security reasons. The sender of the email is informed. Sending emails containing viruses is prohibited.


Relocation of up to three (3) websites + database, no larger than 5 GB each, which are to be transferred within the web hosting / managed servers of Prootzos Online, is carried out free of charge by the support team upon request. For the migration of larger websites (web + database) there is a charge depending on the volume of files. The charge is determined after agreement with the Customer.


In order for us to operate a high-performing and reliable network for our customers, the operation of applications for mining crypto currencies is prohibited.

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